BTC/88/2014 - Briefing note on the felling of The Duke of Wellington Cedar by The National Trust at Kingston Lacy House in December 2013 (January 2014)
In the week leading up to Christmas 2013, The National Trust cut down one of Britain’s most important heritage trees seemingly against the published advice of its independent expert and in contravention of its first published main conservation principle, defined on its website as:
“Integrating the conservation of natural and cultural heritage”.
This briefing note has been prepared by Jeremy Barrell in response to technically incorrect and potentially misleading public statements made by The National Trust relating to the felling of the Duke of Wellington Cedar at Kingston Lacy House in December 2013. Its purpose is to publish factual, balanced and technically credible information to assist readers in developing a properly informed view on the validity of the justifications advanced by The National Trust for its actions.